BIOSTATS: An Intuitive App for Biostatistical Analysis


Developer: HikariMusic
Overview: BIOSTATS is an intuitive app for statistical analysis, designed to assist biomedical researchers in easily and efficiently analyzing their data. With its simple graphical interface, researchers can perform statistical tests and create statistical plots with just a few clicks. This enables researchers to investigate the relationships between different variables and validate their hypotheses easily. The API reference for BIOSTATS can also serve as a review material on biostatistics. The project is open-source and can be found at Github.

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  • BIOSTATS is an intuitive app for statistical analysis.
  • It is free and open-source.
  • It works on Windows / Linux.

You can perform tests with a few clicks



Chi-Square Test


You can visualize plots with a few clicks


Box Plot

Regression Plot

Multiple Plot

BIOSTATS includes these tests:

Basict-TestANOVAExact TestChi-Square Test
NumericOne-Sample t-TestOne-Way ANOVABinomial TestChi-Square Test
Numeric (Grouped)Two-Sample t-TestTwo-Way ANOVAFisher’s Exact TestChi-Square Test (Fit)
CategoricalPaired t-TestOne-Way ANCOVAMcNemar’s Exact TestMcNemar’s Test
ContingencyPairwise t-TestTwo-Way ANCOVA Mantel-Haenszel Test
  Multivariate ANOVA  
  Repeated Measures ANOVA  

Linear RegressionLogistic RegressionNonparametricOthers
CorrelationSimple Logistic RegressionSign TestScreening Test
Correlation MatrixMultiple Logistic RegressionMedian TestEpidemiologic Study
Simple Linear RegressionOrdered Logistic RegressionWilcoxon Signed-Rank TestFactor Analysis
Multiple Linear RegressionMultinomial Logistic RegressionWilcoxon Rank-Sum TestPrincipal Component Analysis
  Kruskal-Wallis TestLinear Discriminant Analysis
  Friedman Test 
  Spearman’s Rank Correlation 

BIOSTATS includes these plots:

HistogramCount PlotScatter PlotUltimate PlotHeatmap
Density PlotStrip PlotLine PlotPair PlotFA Plot
Cumulative PlotSwarm PlotRegression PlotJoint PlotPCA Plot
2D HistogramBox Plot  LDA Plot
2D Density PlotBoxen Plot   
 Violin Plot   
 Bar Plot   

Quick Start


The application can be downloaded from the links below:

Windows :

Linux :

(Your computer may warn you not to run BIOSTATS.exe for security concerns. Please ingore it and run it anyway. There is definitely no virus in BIOSTATS because I don’t know how to write a virus :D)

(It might take about 10 seconds to open the program. Please give BIOSTATS some time!)

(In Linux, you may need to permit the execution by chmod +x BIOSTATS before running the program.)


You can open examples from Help > Examples. Sample datasets will be imported, and all the options will be automatically set.

Install Package

For programmers, you can install the package from pip:

pip install biostatistics

The main window can be called directly:


You can also import biostats and use the functions:

:~$ python3
>>> import biostats as bs
>>> data = bs.dataset("one_way_anova.csv")
>>> summary, result = bs.one_way_anova(data=data, variable="Length", between="Location")
>>> summary
     Location  Count      Mean  Std. Deviation  95% CI: Lower  95% CI: Upper
1   Tillamook     10  0.080200        0.011963       0.071642       0.088758
2     Newport      8  0.074800        0.008597       0.067613       0.081987
3  Petersburg      7  0.103443        0.016209       0.088452       0.118434
4     Magadan      8  0.078012        0.012945       0.067190       0.088835
5   Tvarminne      6  0.095700        0.012962       0.082098       0.109302
>>> result
          D.F.  Sum Square  Mean Square  F Statistic   p-value     
Location     4    0.004520     0.001130     7.121019  0.000281  ***
Residual    34    0.005395     0.000159          NaN       NaN  NaN


More information can be found on the official website.

If you have any suggestion or find any bug, please contach me. We need your help!

  • Contact me:

If you use BIOSTATS in your research, it’s a good idea to cite the paper of BIOSTATS.

  • Citation: Tung, Yeu-Guang (2022). BIOSTATS: An Intuitive App for Biostatistical Analysis. Zenodo.


McDonald, J.H. Handbook of Biological Statistics (3rd ed.). Sparky House Publishing, Baltimore, Maryland, 2014.

Mangiafico, S.S. An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics, version 1.3.2. 2015,

Rosner, Bernard. Fundamentals of biostatistics. Cengage learning, 2015.

Bobbitt, Zach. Statology. 2021,

UCLA. Statistical Methods and Data Analytics. 2021,