
I am 董宇光, a medical student studying at National Taiwan University. As an amateur researcher, I enjoy writing papers. As an amateur engineer, I enjoy developing software. As an amateur composer, I enjoy creating music. As a professional student, I enjoy learning medicine, physics, and algorithms. If you have any hobbies in common, I would be happy to have some discussions with you.

  • 2020: National Taiwan University School of Medicine
  • 2019: International Physics Olympiad Silver Medal


Predicting Electron Distributions in Drug Molecules Using Density Functional Theory in Real Space


Author: Yeu-Guang Tung
Abstract: Electron distributions in drug molecules are crucial in drug design and can be predicted using density functional theory (DFT). We propose a comprehensive scheme to perform DFT calculations in real space instead of using the conventional orbital basis set. We detail the implementation of spherical space and basis, Pulay’s density mixing, Hamiltonian matrix construction, Kohn-Sham equation solution, and Bader’s charge analysis in discretized coordinate basis. We demonstrate that the demanding computation can be carried out in a highly parallel manner with simple codes by exploiting efficient algorithms in the PyTorch and NumPy packages. We perform calculations on the drug acyclovir and predict the electron distribution, partial charges, and energy levels in the molecule. The study may facilitate research in computational molecular science and structure-based drug design.


AMATERASU: Automated Mapping And Transcriptome Expression Research Analysis Suite


Developer: HikariMusic
Overview: AMATERASU (Automated Mapping And Transcriptome Expression Research Analysis Suite) is a command-line toolkit that streamlines RNA sequencing data analysis from raw data processing to advanced statistical analysis. The suite combines raw data alignment using STAR, expression profiling, clustering analysis, differential expression analysis, gene set enrichment analysis, and survival analysis into a unified workflow with straightforward commands. AMATERASU simplifies complex bioinformatics processes while generating publication-ready visualizations, making RNA-seq analysis more accessible to researchers working with large-scale transcriptomics data. The project is open-source and can be found on GitHub.

BIOSTATS: An Intuitive App for Biostatistical Analysis


Developer: HikariMusic
Overview: BIOSTATS is an intuitive app for statistical analysis, designed to assist biomedical researchers in easily and efficiently analyzing their data. With its simple graphical interface, researchers can perform statistical tests and create statistical plots with just a few clicks. This enables researchers to investigate the relationships between different variables and validate their hypotheses easily. The API reference for BIOSTATS can also serve as a review material on biostatistics. The project is open-source and can be found at Github.




Artist: No.7 / Song: HiKARi / Lyrics: HiKARi
About: 50巻からなる『ちはやふる』に描かれた、三人の競技かるたに捧げた青春と、その友情と片想いが織り成す甘酸っぱい恋物語を背景に、曲を作らせていただきました。ボーカルはAIシンガー「No.7」と「ナクモ」に歌っていただき、作曲・作詞・編曲・ミックスなどは自分が担当しました。漫画全巻を読み終えてしみじみと感じた情熱と感動をもとに、百人一首の代表的な和歌「ちはやふる」や「せをはやみ」なども取り入れて歌詞を作りました。千年を超えても色褪せない想いが、この曲を通じて皆様にも伝わるといいなと思います。